The Wrong Jacket

The Wrong Jacket


daily life

The Wrong Jacket

(A Short Story)

Why in the world did I decide to wear this jacket today? I never wear it. I don't even like it. I don't like the fabric. I don't like the color. I don't like the fit. And why the hell did I choose to wear it today of all days?! The damn fabric rustles. Stop making those noises! Stop it! It's dangerous! But it's not just the fabric that's driving me crazy, it's the whole situation I’m in right now. This damn jacket is making noises because my whole body is shaking... and not because I'm cold. No, it's because of fear. Please body, stop shaking! I’m begging you, stop it, please!

What's the other noise? Oh, I think that's also me? Yes, it's my breath! I shouldn't be surprised that my body is acting like this. After running down a long hall, jumping down some stairs and finding a place to hide, it should be allowed to gasp for air. Body, let's make a pact: You're allowed to take some deep breaths, but after that, you really have to calm down. Every noise you make could lead him to us. Now, breathe in. Good. Breathe out. Good. And again from the beginning. Breathe in. Good. Breathe out. All right. That's enough. You have #to calm down now and stop with all the shaking and the noises, ok? Sorry for being so mean right now. I know you need the oxygen because you were doing your best to save us. Somehow you brought us here under this table without me having to tell you what to do. I guess that's what they call “being on autopilot”?

I must’ve been completely out of my mind after what happened. Was that even real? I don't know. It was more like watching a movie. Maybe I’m stuck in some kind of nightmare? It's possible. It didn't feel real. Everything suddenly slowed down. Every second felt like an eternity, but at the same time, it was like someone pressed a fast-forward-button. Did I even touch the ground or was I flying? I can't remember taking any steps. And the stairs? I know I jumped. But it's a long staircase down to the cellar and I just jumped once. How is it possible to jump such a distance? All these thoughts are buzzing through my head while my trembling hands try to unzip the dangerous jacket.

Am I actually safe where I am right now? And what about my co-workers? Did they manage to escape as well? If so, where did they flee to? Are they all together? Maybe they 're in a safer place than me? I'm relatively new to this place. Maybe there's a special room for situations like this I don't know about? Or is it every man for himself? But most importantly, was this guy able to follow us inside? Is he searching for us? Finally the jacket is open and I start trying to pull my arms out of my sleeves without making any noise.

Some indefinable sounds from the hall above make the blood freeze in my veins. All of my senses are on high alert right now. I can hear better, see better, smell better. My body - at once my hero and my traitor - starts to shake even more, producing all these loud noises thanks to the jacket I now hate. Calm down. You need to calm down and get rid of this jacket. Even if it was him, he doesn't know about this building. How could he ever find us here in the washing room? Especially where you decided to hide us - crammed into a corner under a table that's covered by a mountain of used tablecloths from the wedding that just ended a few hours ago. You did great, body. Now let's try to take this hellish jacket off completely.

So even if he did come into this room, would he actually try to look for someone here? And what if he does? What if he is searching for us? What does he want? I don't have anything to give him. Does he really think we waiters have the money from the wedding? Was he waiting for us or for someone else? Maybe for our boss? He's the one with the money! Or was he waiting for one of the workers or some guest from the wedding? Maybe he's some kind of crazy ex who wants to take revenge on the bride? I think he immediately shouted something when we opened the backdoor to leave. He was waiting for us. Definitely. It was the employee door in the back of the building and not one of the guest entrances. We were the unlucky ones who first left through of this door. I remember how the two servers in front of me stopped speaking mid-sentence and I followed their gaze. The guy was pointing at us. But not with his hand, I was looking directly into the barrel of his gun. That must’ve been the moment the screams of everyone around me hit my ears and set me on autopilot. Finally freed from the jacket, I try to push it as far away from me as possible.

A sudden sound stops my train of thought and paralyzes me. Footsteps. The sudden sounds are footsteps. Someone is coming down the stairs. I'm sure of it. I know how it sounds when someone is going up or down those stone steps. The person is walking slowly. Step by step. My eyes are fixed on the small section of door I'm able to see from my hiding place.

Oh no, I don't want to die. I’m way too young to die. I have so many plans. I haven't been everywhere I wanted to go. I haven't done everything I wanted to do. I haven't said everything I wanted to say. I can't die now. The door is moving - slowly but surely.

Suddenly the tips of a pair of formal shoes come into view. They look expensive. These are, without a doubt, men's shoes and my male co-workers don't wear those kinds of shoes after work. We all change back into sneakers or street shoes after our shift.

The person steps inside. I hold my breath. I have to be quiet like never before. He walks to the middle of the room. Way too slowly. I need to breathe. Please leave! He's strolling around and suddenly starts to walk in my direction as if he knows where I'm hiding. He stops right in front of my hiding spot. I realize the bright red sleeve of my jacket is peeking out from under the table without me noticing it quickly enough. I can't keep my eyes open any longer. I’m too afraid. I can hear him kneel down. My life flashes before my eyes and my fear of death disappears. It was a good life. I’m glad I had all these wonderful moments and memories. I hear a clicking sound and grow even calmer.

“I finally found you.”

I think it's time to go.