Where is the musicality of our mother language ?

Where is the musicality of our mother language ?


language learning

Hello everyone,

I found that the musicality of a language is what motivates me to learn it. Well, at least at first stage. I need to be emotionally moved by the sound and tone of a given language to start the learning procress. But I also found it necessery to keep on learning. Some of my friend told me that they also perceive language learning in this way.

So here's the topic. I'm a french native speaker. I'm convinced that there are positive aspects of it, like I don't need to learn its incomprehensible rules since I can speak it naturally. But on the other hand, I am today quite hermetic to french's sonority and way of speaking, which I really regret ... I feel like I'm not capable of enjoying my own language which saddens me terribly.

I really wonder about what you think. Do you feel the same with your own mother language ?