How to  actually STUDY a language?

How to actually STUDY a language?


language learning
daily life

One thing I really enjoy about Journaly is the community it has created. It´s a place full of people learning languages and helping each other out. Now I need your help;

How do you do when you study a language?

I may sound really stupid for asking this, but I would really appreciate some tips and strategies. I love learning languages, and I do have classes for both English and Spanish (but there are some problems with the Spanish class. I cant go into to much detail about it, but I can say that I´m not learning very much in that class). Everything I do online I do in English (except for the YouTube videos I watch in Spanish). I am also reading books in Spanish, so I am definitely getting some imput. But what can I do more than this, if I want to actually study the language? I´m pretty much clueless.

So please feel free to share everything about how you do when you study a language!

(P.S I have trouble making apostrophes on my keyboard, so that´s why they look like they do.)