Writing on a Whim

Writing on a Whim


daily life

Sometimes, It gets so cold at night that I have to move next to the heater. And the next day, when the sun comes out, it gets so hot that I have to wake up earlier than usual.

We kind of covered the door with a curtain, but now it's dark all the time and I wake up too late. I start my day late and I forget to get some sun.

It's a little weird. I could draw the curtains, but I won't. I want it to do it by itself or I need a remote for that.

Been lazy lately and I think I'm sunshine deprived.

I did yoga a couple days ago and I've had cramps since. So, all I do is sit down and scroll through YouTube videos in different languages and stop them in the middle, and whip between hiragana and katakana apps back and forth.

I think I'm degrading/ getting worse at languages that I'm learning.

I've got 3 unfinished projects besides language learning which is and will be a work in progress forever.

I need a job so bad, but I don't feel like working at all. So, job seeking is the last unfinished job I have to get done as quickly as possible.

Thanks to the corrections I just got on one of my English posts, I got motivated to write this entry no matter how messy it might be.

I learned the phrasal verb "whip into" today, but the usage I saw was about going into a place, not an app. I used it here to see if it can work out with apps too.

Thanks for reading my post. I hope someday my writing adds a little something to your life.

Headline image by fleuraimeekaan on Unsplash