My Homemade Lemon Syrup

My Homemade Lemon Syrup



Every year, I make homemade lemon syrup because I like its sweet and tangy flavor. I use the syrup in my homemade yogurt or to make hot lemon drinks in winter. In summer, I love drinking the syrup with sparking water. Lemons contain lots of vitamin C, and they are wonderfully healthy food. Although I'd love to make this syrup from my homegrown lemons, unfortunately my lemon tree is still too young to produce fruit. Last year, the tree finally grew a single lemon. I’m hopeful that this year it will produce more! Until my tree starts producing a lot, I keep buying organic ones.

I bought three bags of organic lemons and sliced each one in half. Then, I layered them in a jar with crystal sugar.

Once the jar is filled with the lemons and the sugar, I leave it for two weeks. During this time, the suger starts melting and you can see the juice.

Currently, my jar looks like the picture above. I'll probably add more lemons and sugar to make more syrup.

The other day, I made two cups of hot lemon drinks for my husband and myself. It’s the perfect drink for cold days, as it warms you up and feels so cozy.
