Declassified Files Reveal First Landing on the Moon Took Place Before  Commonly Attested

Declassified Files Reveal First Landing on the Moon Took Place Before Commonly Attested



Not many people know that back in the 1960's The Beatles were invited by NASA to land on the Moon. In 1966--that is, a few years before Armstrong and Aldrin's momentous feat--Wernher von Braun contacted the British musicians and made the offer, which after a short hesitation they at first somewhat reluctantly accepted. The idea was to slam the door in the Soviets'--and Gagarin's!--face, not only by being the first ones to set foot on the satellite, but even sending there The Liverpool 4 as a supreme gesture of Capitalism's uncontested superiority. What the people in NASA couldn't know is that John, Paul, George and Ringo wouldn't miss the opportunity to give a huge and final concert to their fans on Earth while being right there, on the Moon. It seems it was the Maharishi who told George in passing that if they were thinking of a final show it would be a good idea to do it on the Moon, something in the style of the rooftop concert on top of the Apple Building. The moon offered--the Maharishi said--the additional advantage of no policemen there to interrupt the show--and if things went fine the low levels of oxygen could even allow them to achieve satori.