The Biggest Earthquake I've Ever Experienced: Part 4

The Biggest Earthquake I've Ever Experienced: Part 4



We hadn't been able to reach Aya, who I mentioned in this post, for more than a week. We breathed a big sigh of relief when she finally tweeted for the first time after the earthquake.

A few months later, she told me about that day.

Immediately after seeing our tweets about the tsunami alert, she got in her car with her parents and dog and "just in case" headed for the hills. Shortly after, the roads became filled with cars, and they witnessed a lot of the cars behind them being devoured by the tsunami. I can't imagine the horror they felt, but anyway, they survived. If they'd left their house just a few minutes later, they wouldn't have. She lost practically everything she had and had to live in temporary accommodation for a long time. It was a difficult period for her, but a couple of years later, she got married and moved into a new house. She seems to be happy now.

I didn't use photos of that earthquake in this series of posts because they were too brutal and different from what I experienced. A lot of people in Tohoku had quite a horrible experience around that time, so I don't bring it up or casually ask them what they went through. However, we Japanese must draw lessons from every disaster lest we forget.