My Favorite Korean Artist

My Favorite Korean Artist



language learning

Korea and Japan are geographically and culturally close, and indie musicians from both nations routinely visit each other. My favorite Korean artist is Lee Lang. She's best known for her music, but she's also a multi-artist who creates comics, writes essays, and shoots films.

I've seen three of her concerts, one of which included a film screening and discussion. She speaks some Japanese, but not fluently. However, she spoke almost entirely without interpretation. I was so impressed by what she said and how she spoke. She attempted to get at the truth with simple words. Her thoughts were profound, humble, confident, and at the same time, very funny. I wish I could be like her, no matter what language I'm speaking.

In Japan, she performs with Japanese subtitles on the screen behind her, allowing us to comprehend her songs. Here's my fave song of hers with English subtitles: