Keep Your Body Moving No Matter What

Keep Your Body Moving No Matter What


I didn't feel well today but I managed to practice my languages. In particular I watched an interview and a lecture given by my favorite neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki. After watching the lecture I got actually embarrassed and inspired at the same time. I got embarrassed because I didn't exercise today and I got inspired because Wendy Suzuki spoke about all the wonderful benefits that we can get from exercising. She started her lecture by telling the story about how she got motivated to become a neuroscientist. She went to the lectures given by one of the best professors at the university. It was also a wonderful woman whose name was Marian Diamond. She conducted research and did experiments on rats. One group of rats lived in the rich environment, almost Disney world for rats, and the another group of rats lived in the impoverished environment. Marian Diamonds team and she compared the changes which happened in the rats brains and found out that the brains of rats which lived in the rich environment actually changed to the better. The experiment showed that the brains of adult rats was able to change thanks to the rich environment or the exercise, because these rats had all kinds of toys and rat wheels where they could move a lot. So we can exchange the rich environment for the exercise and the result will be the same. The experiment showed that the adult brains are able to change or in other words they are capable of neuroplasticity. Wendy Suzuki said that the professor Marian Diamond inspired her to study the human brain. She was focused at first on studying the memory and hippocampus and then she started studying the effects of the exercise on the brain. Thanks to Wendy Suzuki's experiments it was found out that the exercise can lead to the improvement of attention, the growth of new cells in the hippocampus, the brain area which is responsible for the memory, and the growth of new blood vessels in the brain and new synapses. So, I was again inspired by the lecture of Wendy Suzuki and I am eager to keep my body moving no matter what.