The Rich and the Poor

The Rich and the Poor



9 things the poor do which the rich never do.

1) They use credit money for buying thing and even throwing parties and organizing weddings. Poor people don’t realize the price of owning things. John D. Rockefeller: 'Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.' 2) The poor try to economize and save money using deposits while the rich invest money to gain profit. The rich became rich because of their ability to increase their income. 3) Lack of craving for knowledge and self-development. Poverty is the result of some vices people have such as: pride, laziness or envy.

The rich are proactive. They take actions, as a result they make a lot of mistakes which leads to  experience they learn from and it spurs them on further development. The poor aren’t willing to take risks, as a result they don’t learn from their mistakes, they don’t improve their skills and eventually get trapped in a vicious circle of poverty.

4) To be continued…