Accent issue

Accent issue


language learning

Today, I didn't get a part-time job as a German teacher because of my strong accent, as it was explained in a rejection message.

That was my first job interview for this role, and I didn't even speak German during the interview; it was hold in Russian.

After the interview, I recorded a short 2-minute video, which revealed my accent.

I cried. I was literally reduced to tears because German means everything to me. I've been speaking German for as long as I can remember.

Finding out that they find me not good enough to teach is like a stab in the heart.

I am so passionate about teaching, I adore German, Germany, foreign languages...

I cried while walking to the kindergarden to pick up my son and couldn't even speak or listen to him. What a sorry sight! It looks like I need to do something with my nervous system.

Now, two hours later, I've pulled myself together, but I still can't make conclusions and plan my next steps. Is my accent really so strong? Or were it my general face expression and behaviour, not friendly and happy enough for somebody applying for a teacher's role - I didn't smile, for example, and looked reserved. Did I really want to get that job?

Do I have to start working on my accent and hire an overpriced accent coach?

Is my English accent as bad as my German, or even worse? What if I have general pronunciation problems because of my deep bite and tonsils (sorry for these health details).

Sorry for bombarding you with all these questions.

No good day for Bananafish.

cover photo is mine