CAE Cambridge exam - Writing task

CAE Cambridge exam - Writing task


language learning
tv shows
tv series

Hi everyone! I'm preparing for the C1 Cambridge exam so I'm practicing writing. I would like you to assess this one, please. The exercise is about writing a proposal in 220-260 words. It requires suggesting hobbies of different types and giving reasons why you think they would make successful TV programmes for a national TV channel that is planning a serires of documentary programmes.

This is what I've written. I'd appreciate your feedback and corrections. Thank you :) (EVERYTHING FICTIONAL).


In the era of social networks, streaming platforms and all kind of online entertainments, the TV still remains as one of the most appealing source of comunication. Among the wide variety of available programmes, documentary series are steadily becoming more popular.  

An unusual hobby

The first idea I would like to highlight is about some people I have recently encountered with a weird and unusal interest for rare collections. One of them, is one of my neighbour who is a declared animalist. He owns in his house more than ten different uncommon animals; from colourful snakes to flamboyant birds. The documentary about this man will provide a very interesting point of view of someone really passionate about animals and biology. It will teach a lot regarding humans and animals interactions and how we can learn a lot from them. 

Learning exotic languages

Not only English and French are among the languages learners’ favourite ones, but also languages such as Armenian, Swahili, or Icelandic are being learning by more people than we might think. A documentary series showing how these learners deal with such a difficult and challenging languages will provide quite useful methods and strategies to those who want to study a new language. For those who are not that interested in language learning, these programmes will also show inspirational people and cultures.


In my opinion, these ideas presented above, would fit in perfectly in today tendencies. Currently, the general audicence looks for something they have not seen yet, as well as something they can learn from.