





It is believed that the collapse of the Qin Dynasty was mainly due to its extreme laws.

反乱が国中を燃え移り、血まみれな戦い後で劉邦(拼音:Liú Bāng)という人が勝ち 新しい王朝を設立し 長江の支流である漢江から漢王朝を名付けた。

Rebellion spread like fire across China, and after much bloody fighting Liu Bang emerged as victor, establishing a new dynasty which he named the Han Dynasty after the name of a tributary river of the Yangtze.


Government power remained centralized, and Liu Bang had much contempt for scholars, like his predecessor.


Despite this, Liu Bang received the support of the great landowners because he increased protections of their property.


Additionally, he granted amnesty to a large number of rebels who were then able to peacefully return to work in agriculture.

さらにいろんな改革・交渉・政略結婚などのおかげで数十年の平和が出来た。 Finally, thanks to several reforms, negotiations and strategic marriages, he managed to secure peace for several decades.


Under one of Liu Bang's sons, old texts were restored and administrators who were followers of Confucianism rediscovered (the once lost) tradition.

当時、董仲舒という哲学者兼ねる政治家は自然の制度摂理と社会の摂理がどうやって繋いでいるかという方法を儒教にあげ、道(拼音:Dào)が支配する天の法に皇帝が従うべきで、皇帝の掟に民族が従うべきだという理論を立てた。 At that time, Dong Zhongshu, a philosopher and statesman, provided Confucianism with a way to link the natural order with the social order, establishing the theory that the emperor must comply with the law of heaven, which is governed by the Dao, and citizens must (in turn) comply with the rules/laws of the emperor.


Several decades later, a cult for Confucius was established.


It is believed that the cause of the collapse of the Han Dynasty can be found during the rule of Emperor Wudi.


Wudi expanded China's territorial extent and (his reign) became the golden age of the Han Period, but at the same time, in exchange for the large amounts of effort and economic resources expended for this (i.e. expansion), they mostly obtained luxury goods that provided no benefit to the lives of ordinary citizens.


Additionally, the number of bureaucratic officials grew tremendously, and monopolies caused an increase in corruption.


In the end Wang Mang took advantage of the economic and political problems and in 9 AD seized power.


This marks the end of the so-called Western Han Empire.

王莽は新王朝を設立したが、不法支配者と認められ、死んだ後で前の王朝が復活され いわゆる東漢帝国の始まりだ。

Wang Mang established the Xin Dynasty, but because he was viewed as a usurper, the previous dynasty was revived after his death, marking the beginning of the so-called Eastern Han Empire.


Wang Mang was surely an extraordinary man, but he was not particularly skilled in the art of negotiations, and so failed to establish a consensus among various power groups, governing with great difficulty.


He attempted several reforms, such as limiting the size of land estates, creating public granaries to control the price of cereals, and creating low-interest state loans that would help limit money lending, but the majority of government officials came from a social class opposed to such reforms, and thus quickly became a problem.


Those in charge of implementing these reforms were said government officials, and in the end they refused to do so.


Later, after several military defeats and natural disasters, public perception that the emperor had lost the Heavenly Mandate was reinforced, thus leading to the revolt known as the "Red Eyebrows."


Wang Mang died in 23AD, and again after much terrible fighting, a prince of the former Han Dynasty seized power and restored the Han Dynasty. He additionally moved the capital (westwards) to Luoyang.


This is the beginning of the Western Han Empire, and they expanded the empire's territory further westward and quite possibly had contact with the Romans.


It was a time in which they encountered new peoples and nations, and imported a variety of new trade goods such as spices.


Interestingly, it was during this time that the principles of Chinese cuisine, based on the five flavors (sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, spicy), began to become well-defined/established.

*Image from Wikipedia, "Han Dynasty" entry:,_Eastern_Han_mural.jpg