Ideas for Journaly Posts (and Journaling)

Ideas for Journaly Posts (and Journaling)


Sometimes I see Journalers asking for ideas on what to write about. Well, have I got the post for you! Use these topics for both private journaling and on Journaly if you'd like.

I got these ideas from the YouTube video The Journaling System that Changed My Life. The video describes many topics, techniques, and prompts for journaling that struthless calls "The VOMIT System."

VOMIT stands for:

Vent, externalize your complaints and frustrations.

Obligations, a list of what you need to do.

Mindset, journaling to view the same circumstance in a different way.

Ideate, generate ideas more effectively.

Trajectory, a concrete understanding of where you're headed.


Writing about your complaints and frustrations can be mega-effective. The thoughts are transferred from your mind, aka externalized. You can view them from a distance, more objectively, and more clearly.

Prompts for venting:

  1. write about what makes you angry or annoyed


What happens when we try to remember our to-dos? We forget them, experience mental overload, or become fatigued. Don't use brainpower for storing problems; use it for solving problems! For more information on this phenomenon, check out Tiago Forte's book Building a Second Brain.

Prompts for obligations:

  1. unorganized list of obligations
  2. organize (i.e., sort) the items on your list
  3. prioritize (Will it make the boat go faster?)
  4. What's the bare minimum of things I need to do? What are all the things I could do to feel super proud of myself at the end of the day?


Insanity means doing the same thing multiple times and expecting different results. On the flip side, a mindset shift can help you get out of a rut. Here are some ideas for how to do that.

Prompts for mindset:

  1. How is this the best thing that has ever happened to me?
  2. I am [quality or characteristic] because [reasons]. (And then make those reasons come true, of course.)
  3. How do I reach this goal? How do I reach the opposite goal? (e.g., How do I lose weight? vs How do I gain weight?)
  4. If I were a friend giving me advice...
  5. Discipline: (don't write about doing it; just go and do it!)
  6. What are three things I'm grateful for today?


Some people come up with ideas more quickly than others. But this is a skill that can be strengthened. Here's how:

Prompts for ideation:

  1. Brainstorm 30 ideas in 5 minutes
  2. How would [person] solve this problem?
  3. Open the loop: if you ask a question, your brain will automatically want to find the answer.


When building habits, our minds are our best flatterers. They multiply our successes and forget our failures. Don't let your brain fool you; track your progress!

Prompts for trajectory:

  1. In what ways have I made progress toward my goal, and in what ways has my progress atrophied?
  2. What's something that excited me, drained me, or I learned today?

For more details on the method and the prompts, watch the YouTube video linked above. Best wishes, fellow Journalers! I hope to see your insights soon!

Headline image by alterego_swiss on Unsplash