C1 writing skills?

C1 writing skills?


language learning

Hello! It has been a long time since I've written in English here, I've writing more in French because I have no idea of what to write about in English. Some days ago I tested my English online and I've discovered that I have C1 level! Actually the the test tested my listening and reading skills. In reading I got level C1 and in listening I got C2! That's really cool.

But the point is, I wanted to do this test to mesure where I'm with my English to see where I want to get with it. And now that I know that I already have these levels on these other skills, I've come to the conclusion that now I need to focus on my writing skills. I didn't test it, but if I have to guess, I'd say that I have a B2 level on writing, not higher. My writing skills is the weakest par of my English, for sure. I can read books, watch a lot of different stuff, I can even speak, but my writing skills is not so good, which is totally understandable since this is the skills that I have practice less in my leaning journey.

So, all of that to say that I've finally set a goal for my English: improve my writing skills. I want to have a C1 writing level, but to be honest, I don't know how I'll mesure it. Do you happen to know if there is any tool or test online that tests our writing level? I don't know if there is any. But to improve my writing skills I can write here regularly, I've noticed that my writing has improved since I've discovered this website, even though it a small improvement, it's already an improvement. And I can keep reading more books in English, that helps too. But the only problem that I have is that I never know what to write about or what I should write about to improve it. That's something that I'll have to search for.

Anyway, that's all, thank you for reading!