Wireless Earphones

Wireless Earphones


Hi guys!

Since I bought my new smartphone I've been searching to buy new wireless earphones.

I think in today's world everyone is using wireless things, i.e. earphones, mouse, keyboard, etc. And I totally understand the reason; it is so much better than wired ones. Whenever I'd try to exercise with my wired earphones and it was horrible.

However, as much as I really praise wireless earphones, I can't say that I don't like them. I have a wireless headphone that I bought in the beginning of the year, and it is great.

The battery lasts 15 hours, so it is perfect for any situation.

I only have two complaints about it:

1 - If you try to keep using it for 2 hours or more, it gets very uncomfortable. It squeezes the ear too much. Every single time I'd take it off from my head my ears would get very red.

2 - Sometimes I have to wear glasses, mainly when I'm using a computer. It is impossible to wear glasses while using the headphone.

"Other than that" it is good.

I'm sure I've been facing these issues because I bought a cheap one. I have no doubt I am going to have a much better experience when I get a new and better headphone.

The only "issue" with headphones is when you want to lay down in your bed and keep using them while watching a movie: for exemple you can't wear them while lying on your side.

I also love to use wired earphones for the reason that I don't have to worry about the battery running out, but as I said previously, they have their own.

Not so long ago, I bought very good and cheap earbuds, a very famous model is called "KZ EDX PRO". Every review that I watched about it said it was well built and had a great sound quality, and the price was amazing.

It is better than JBL and cheaper as well.

But I really want to buy wireless earphones. I did some research, and the one I chose was the Galaxy Buds 2. It is not expensive, it has good sound quality and the battery is great.

My only concern is if I end up losing one side of it. But we'll see!