The different conveniences of living in different countries

The different conveniences of living in different countries



Surprisingly, living in the USA let me be a better Chinese food cook. When I live in China, I am a lazy guy who seldom cook by self. But it is not all my fault. In China, if you live in a city, you can buy food by walking from your home in 10 minutes. If you are too laze to walk, you can order almost whatever you want to eat on your smart phone. There are two most popular delivery apps you can down load from App store. Their names are Meituan and Elema and they give 7/24 hour delivery service. Actually, they are similar online platform which developed by different internet technology company which means they are rival. these two companies invested a huge of money to construct online platform and maintain their daily operation fluently. The companies invite all kinds of foodservice businesses, individual delivers to enter and using advanced technology help them to make profits. The platforms have friendly interface with customers and give monthly coupons, credit points etc for attracting users. Till now, they don't limit in food service field, users can use these platforms to order almost all kinds of daily services not only delivering medicine, daily necessities but also feeding pets when the owner is on a business trip, chaging lightbulb in your bathroom and so on. It is very convinient, for example, I am living in the US now, where has twelve hours time lag with China but I can use these apps to book a 18:30P.M.(BJT) delivery dinner for my parents on their wedding anniversary before I going to bed at night.

Going back to me, obviously delivery apps don't work in my place. For saving money I have to cook by myself. The good thing is the food I cook they are tasty beyond my expectation and I reward self-efficacy which makes me desire to explore more menus. I cook in daily frequency which I could not image when I live in China. Just like in the above passage, It is too convenient to cook by self for a single. By contrary, I have strong motivation to cook by myself now and delicious food work as the positive feedback let mt into a sustainable circle. It is good for my health too. Second, The amazing thing is that it is easer to buy ingredients in here than in the location I live in China. Surpricingly? me too! My favor cuisines are not very traditional Chinese cuisines. Some kinds of Janpanese, Vietnamese, Korean, Thai's cuisines are on my favorite food list too. When I live in China, the only way I can buy exotic ingredients is online shopping. It souds convinient but actually what had happened was that I ordered fresh lemongrass harb online and a few days later, I received the lemongrass harb which already dry up. Now when I want to cook Thai's food, I just drive less than half hours and directly buy fresh lemongrass harb in Asian market nearby.


corrected edition:

Surprisingly, living in the USA let me be a better cook of Chinese food. When I lived in China, I was a lazy guy who seldom cooked by myself. But it wasn't all my fault. In China, if you live in a city, you can buy food that's 10 minutes away from your home by foot. If you are too lazy to walk, you can order almost anything you want to eat on your smartphone. There are two most popular delivery apps you can down load from the app store. Their names are Meituan and Elema and they give 7/24 delivery service. Actually, they are similar online platforms which developed by different internet technology companies which means they are rivals. these two companies invested a huge amount of money to construct theirselves online platform and maintain them daily operation fluently. The companies invite all kinds of foodservice businesses, individual delivers to enter and using advanced technology help them to make profits. These platforms have friendly interfaces with customers and give monthly coupons, credit points, etc for attracting users. Till now, they haven't limited themselves to the food service field; users can use these platforms to order almost all kinds of daily services: not only delivering medicine or daily necessities but also feeding pets when the owner is on a business trip, changing lightbulb in your bathroom, and so on. It is very convenient. For example, I am living in the US now, which has a 12-hours time difference with China, but I can use these apps to book a 6:30P.M.(BJT) delivery dinner for my parents on their wedding anniversary before I going to bed at night.

Back to my anecdote, obviously, delivery apps don't work in my place. To save money I have to cook by myself. The good thing is the food I cook is beyond my expectation and I am rewarded by my self-efficacy which makes me desire to explore more recipes. I cook every day which I could not image when I lived in China. As I mentioned in the above paragraph, it is too convenient to cook by myself. On the contrary, I have strong motivation to cook for myself now and delicious food fountions as the positive feedback that keeps me in a sustainable cycle. It is good for my health too. Second, the amazing thing is that it is easer to buy ingredients here than in the location I lived in China. Surprised? Me too! My favorite dishes are not very traditional Chinese dishes. Some kinds of Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, Thai dishes are on my list of favorite foods too. When I lived in China, the only way I was able to buy exotic ingredients was through online shopping. It souds convenient but actually what had happened was that I ordered fresh lemongrass online, and a few days later, I received the lemongrass which had already dried up. Now when I want to cook Thai food, I just drive less than half an hour and directly buy fresh lemongrass in the Asian market nearby.