Small Acts of Kindness

Small Acts of Kindness


daily life

I stumbled upon this heartwarming video on Twitter the other day. It showed this adorable little girl sitting all by herself at some kind of graduation ceremony and then this lady walks past her and pinches her cheek tenderly. The little girl gets all shy but happy. Really cute! It just goes to show how a small act can really brighten up someone's day.

That video actually reminded me of this sweet incident that happened to me two years back. I was waiting for my mom to finish up some errands and this little girl came up and started playing nearby. Eventually, she wanted to sit down. I offered her a spot next to me and we started chatting. I asked her if she had started school yet and stuff like that. She was just 5 years old. Then she went back to playing again and as soon as she came back, out of the blue, she gave me a hug. It totally caught me off guard! But I have to admit, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She even complimented me on how smooth my hand was, haha! That was the first time anyone had ever given me a genuine compliment like that, especially a kid. I mean, in the past, I had many kids call me ugly and make derogatory comments about my skin color because it used to be very dark.

Anyway, it was just such a nice, sweet moment. I was so happy and I couldn't stop smiling to myself when I got home. I even asked her mom if I could take a photo of her before we left. And yeah, I still remember the little girl's name. It's amazing how a simple act of kindness can have such a lasting impact on someone's life.

Headline image by heftiba on Unsplash