🖐My 5-year-old son learns Russian. The way he does it is the most natural and efficient way ever. Like a sponge, his brain soaks up hundreds of words, collocations and struktures every day in order to reproduce them the next day in his own individual manner. It's said that 5-year-old children are technically at C1 level in their mother language. The more 'proficient' my son becomes, the more 'interesting' his mistakes get. My inner linguist and language learner is so pleased to hear him making mistakes and to be able to correct on them in a gentle and natural way.
"That's not how we say it, dear...".
If only that was a way to teach foreign languages at school...
➡These are some examples of my son's mistakes which, I hope, Russian users and students of Russian language will find enjoyable. If you want, you can try to edit them :)
💭Ключ может упасть куда-либо угодно.
💭 Когда телевизор выключают, он вставает черным.
💭 Мы сделаем это по путю.
💭5 года назад
💭Я быстро знакомлюсь с россиянцами.
💭 Этот сад одинарный.
💭Куриные котлеты лучше чем индейские .
Wow, Daria, your English is top-notch in this post!
Thank you. Less is more. It's hard to make many mistakes in a short post especially if one of its part is written in Russian))
Hi, Daria! I think it's great you write down your son's witticisms. That way when he grows up, you wont have forgotten them and you'll both enjoy them again!
Uly, it seems you've passed with flying colors... Congrats! : )))))
I missed two :( I passed with colors, albeit not flying as it happens :)