Crowd Story #2

Crowd Story #2



Crowd Story #2

The American Drama Group was back in town and performed Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol at the local theater in English. It's not very common for German theaters and cinemas to have shows in languages other than German. Our society is so used to having everything dubbed into our language that it's very hard for us to consume content in languages other than German. And I was even more surprised to find out that the play on that night was sold out.

Time flew by and the play had already come to an end. Although I already knew the story, I enjoyed the actors' performances a lot. Especially the interpretation of Ebenezer Scrooge was very well done. I could vividly imagine how this man must've lived in worse conditions than some dogs due to his all negative attitude and unwillingness to do any good to anybody.

Almost 180 years after the story had been written, it still teaches us a lesson. So thank you to all those talented actors who brought that story to life!

The Words of the Challenge

  • guest
  • fly
  • dog


Headline image by bencollins on Unsplash