i hope my fate is art so will be easy to love it

i hope my fate is art so will be easy to love it


daily life

Once I wrote about “amor fati”, which means to love your fate in latin. Honestly, I never truly believed in this kind of thing even when I wrote about that. I don’t know what my fate would be - except for the death - and we can’t love something we don’t know.

To fall in love, I’m not talking about falling only to someone and neither just in a romantic way but in a broader way, is too easy. Sunday I was watching a movie and at some point the main characters said to each other “I love you”. At first, I thought it was a little bit impossible to fall in love so fast like this, however it wasn’t. I listen to songs, read full books or just poetry quotes and in a blink of an eye I feel in my heart I fell in love for them.

I love this feeling of connection and lately - or maybe for most of my days - I had it only with art and few people. I can write my thoughts, listen to songs I relate to or read poems that was write many years before I was born and those things mean a lot to me. I feel lonely but I have art.

I hope my fate is art so will be easy to love it.

It's been almost one year since my last post. Welcome to me again!

Thank you for reading,


film photografy by Josefina Bonavina*