Solos, Tom is a man who discovers he is running out of time on Earth.

Solos, Tom is a man who discovers he is running out of time on Earth.



I started to watch the Amazon TV series called Solos, I watched the first episode and I thought “It is a strange plot ". I didn't understand very well what the series wants to transmit.

I am going to start with the second episode, it starts with two twins, at least I thought they were until I started to understand what's going on.

Tom is a man who discovers he is running out of time on Earth, so he decided to buy a special “product” for his family. It is a clone of him, but I am unable to know if it is a DNA clone or a kind of AI android.

They are in a room where the original Tom has to tell everything about him and his family because this new "Tom" is going to replace him when he left.

Tom thinks that with this present for its family, he will not be forgotten him.

I cannot tell you more details because I am not a spoiler, but it is an interesting chat between them and an internal journey through the feelings.

New words I learned:

- Asshole

- Petty

- Dipshit

- Stove

I propose you watch this series.