


language learning
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Everything is going to be good.

I always repeat that kind of mantra to me; just to start the day with a good mood.

And it works!

L. has started school last week and he's happy about it. It's not already the school routine, as always, but it's a big step for him.

A. is going to start her first day at school next Thursday. While I'm sitting in the kitchen, writing down my thoughts, she is at gym and I'm wainting the time to pick her up.

Everything is good, even at work.

I'm alone this week because my collegue is still on vacation but I'm fine about it! I stayed alone for almost six months this year so...

We don't go to the beach anymore. Summer season ended.

So I have time for my languages routine.

I've already done my shadowing exercises in english, plus I've finally found the link to download all the chapters of the book "Mastering the american accent " from Lisa Mojsin; so I can easily do my pronunciation lessons now.

Today I had my listening exercises in French too with some episodes on Spotify while I was cooking dinner.

I'm so happy about it.

I had some ideas about my Russian last day. I don't really know if it can work but the idea is this: use the Cyrillic Alphabet to write in my mother tongue.

Do you think it can be usefull to memorize the Alphabet itself?

For example, the italian sentence:

"Devo andare a casa"

should be written like in the photo using the Cyrillic Alphabet.

I know it's not correct in Russian.

Maybe I can use this method just to remember the letters of the Cyrillic Alphabet.

What do you think?