JJOA's Tired...

JJOA's Tired...



Why am I writing this? I just wanna sleep right now. I think it's because of the guilt from yesterday, I couldn't keep myself awake so I just clicked the heart in all the corrections I'd received, typed thanks and went to bed. I read them all today though, don't worry, I would never waste a correction! But at the beginning I didn't want to, tbh. Yesterday I was like, "Yeah, I'll read the corrections tomorrow and write two posts. Fucking genius again, bro." And today the only thing I did was thinking over and over again, "Yeah, bro. We still got a whole day, don't worry, we'll read them later." But some minutes ago I was already falling asleep.

Luckily, before falling unconscious I remembered that I hadn't read my other posts' corrections and written my daily post. So as you could imagine, I'm writing this with a dead face. I've felt drowsy lately, no idea why, I've even dozen off sometimes while studying lol. My genius move against these moments is "A bath will do it!"

It never does.

Yesterday I fell asleep sooner than usual, at 21:00pm, when I normally go to sleep at 23:00pm. Naturally I woke up sooner as well, at five in the morning I believe. That reminds me, today's fried egg was amazing, it tasted as they used to. I still fear cracking the egg, though. Sometimes I hit it so softly that I have to hit it a lot of times until all the egg just falls apart, and sometimes I do it very strongly that it just explodes in my hand.

Moving on from the tangent... there's something I find quite funny about dozing off. When I wake up and I'm like in auto pilot mode, just thinking, "Another day, another bath, bro. Gotta stay clean!" But then I start slowly realizing thanks to small hints that it's actually five pm. Or those times where I think, "OMG I SLEPT 24 HOURS!" And then I realize that I'm just a fucking idiot.

At least during this vacation I managed to not screw up my sleep schedule before school. For example, during a good-for-nothing beautiful vacation, on the last three days of vacation I was freaking out because I couldn't fix my sleep schedule. This time I'll just have toadjust 30 minutes in the clock and all done. But I gotta admit that I'm a bit sad because I couldn't replicate that vacation, I wanted so much to just stay up late watching some anime. Maybe in uni I'll do that if I keep the same good taste I have right now!

I wonder if I'll start snoring when I get older, and if I do, how will I know that I'm snoring? Will I need another person to tell me, "you snore while sleeping lol"? I started pondering about this after hearing my dog and my mom snoring in a synchronized way. (Now that I'm reviewing the post, I realize that is obvious this was a filler paragraph, I'm sorry.)

I guess I'll have to leave it here. At least I got to use some new vocabulary. This is officially the second season of "JJOA's I Sleep Life," but it isn't a good name, is it? I think I'll just stay with this one then. Thank y'all for reading and thanks a lot for your corrections. Even if I fall asleep, have faith that I'll come back some day.