JJOA's Cooking Life. What a chef!

JJOA's Cooking Life. What a chef!



The following post will be a little bit embarrassing to write because it shows how much ability I lack, but it's okay.

Cooking. What an amazing activity, right? From mere ingredients make something delicious, healthy (I hope), and beautiful. But I've always wondered: when do you reach that point where you can say "Yeah bro, I know how to cook?" Is there any requirement? Do I have to know how to prepare a specific number of dishes? What exactly is cooking? Making a sandwich counts as cooking? If so, I can proudly say "I'm a fucking chef."

Let's consider for a moment that the answer to that last question is "Yes."

I hear a lot from my peers how they have to cook to their whole family. How capable they are of making breakfast, lunch and dinner by their own. And all the different dishes they can make. Every time they talk about it, I can't help but think, "Oh boy, you should try my scrambled eggs." After all, it's one of the few dishes I know how to make. You know, just like those people in videogames who can only use a very limited amount of abilities but they've leveled them all up. That's me.

It all started in a good-for-nothing beautiful vacation. I used to wake up at a time when my parents would already be gone, I was forced to learn how to make breakfast myself. Tell me, what's more reliable than YouTube and its tutorials? I thought the easiest breakfast to make would be fried eggs with bread, so I gave it a try. But I failed at the easiest cooking quest, the yellow part of the egg tore and all the liquid spread. It wasn't bad though, I was happy with at least eating something.

After some days I ended up mastering the art of making fried eggs. Cooking something as simple as a fried egg made me feel like an independent adult. "What's the next level though? How can I expand my incredible knowledge?" And a new journey began. Scrambled eggs... I never liked them but as soon as I started to make them myself I thought they were delicious. Omelettes... They kept me alive in a lot of afternoons. Sandwiches... Does this even count?

I literally didn't know anything special, I don't even know how to make rice. RICE BRO. But, they dispelled my hunger so I'm not mad. After that vacation I stopped cooking though, I'm trying to get to that level once again. Today, I tried to make me a fried egg but happened the same thing I said earlier. I can't hate an activity more than I hate cooking. I feel so proud after making the simplest dish... but I feel like an idiot after ruining the simplest dish.

I will be moving to another country the next year and probably I'll be living alone, and I still don't know how to cook! I really want to learn but it's so boring, I'd rather studying English. Oh, that reminds me, today I reached 400 hours of study in 6 months! This vacation really sped up my learning, it's a shame it will finish in eight days. With all the things are coming this last year it will be hard to find enough study time. I'll try my best, though.

Bro... I'll graduate from high school without ever getting a girlfriend. I know I still have this year but I really doubt I'll be lucky now. I hope university will be different... I think I'll start learning Japanese after finishing with English, I guess it will be around first year of university or end of highschool. Telling my dad I don't want to study French will be a pain lol.

Thanks for reading and correcting! See y'all tomorrow.