How did it turn out like this?

How did it turn out like this?



Good morning y'all! How are you doing today? Today's post will be placed in my former apartment when I was living with my childhood friend. It's just a memory I still find funny, so don't expect it to be full of action!

My former building had a big field completely empty, we always thought that they were going to make it a soccer field or something, but some weeks ago my mom told me that they were planning to build other towers there, they weren't successful though. It was mostly used for birthdays or Halloween parties, but when it was completely empty my brother, my friend and I (me and the boys) used it for playing.

My father one day told my brother and I, "Yo, wanna go camping?" So naturally we eagerly accepted, expecting it to be in an amazing place, but before realizing it we found ourselves setting up a tent on the building's field. I was ten at that moment so I really didn't care, it was fine for us. We armed it in the morning and we were planning to spend the night there, we would go to the pool and do other stuff in the mean time. But just after setting up the tent our friend came with his father, he said that they were also going to "camp" there, so while our fathers did the hard work we went to the pool.

We lasted around one hour in the pool, and when we decided to come back we saw that there were two other families setting up tents. We knew one of them, the other was a bit random but we didn't mind their presence, and they had a really big and impressive tent. We started playing random things like hide-and-seek throughout the building, but after some time we got tired so we went to our friend's house to drink water and eat. tbh the xbox tented us a bit, we didn't play though.

After coming back to our tents we noticed that we had passed from four tents to seven, they were multiplying like bunnies! We didn't even know half of the families present now! Those families started arranging music, seats, beer (of course I didn't drink!) and food. Throughout the night a few other tents appeared, it started looking like a planned event. We started playing Minecraft in the PC where they were reproducing music and then we went to sleep, but the adults stayed up. I woke up a couple of times in the middle of the night, I would get out of my tent, greet the people who were still awake, go to pee, eat some free donuts and go to sleep again.

The next day I was really confused, how did the field fill with random people? We were just three dudes who wanted to sleep in a tent, we hadn't planned any of this but we had a great time. All the tents disappeared as quickly as they appeared.I still find this event confusing and funny, and those donuts were amazing!

That's today's post, thank y'all for reading and correcting any mistakes! See ya tomorrow.