JJOA's Dream.

JJOA's Dream.



Good morning y'all. Today I'm going to be writing about as you can read, my dream! It's going to be a hard post to write because there's a lot I already forgot, but I'll do my best. I came with the idea of writing this after randomly waking up in middle of the night lol. Btw, when I say "dream" I literally mean a dream, those dreams you have while sleeping. How can you expect me to write about a life dream when I don't even have one for god's sake!

The dream I'm going to tell y'all about is not as moved as "JJOA's Sunday, August 7 2022 Amazing, Epic, Bestest, largest, legendary and really not unusual dream in his whole live." Oh god what a large title, I deliberately made it like that but I wasn't expecting it to be this large, now I'm going off at a tangent here. As I was saying, this dream doesn't have any spaceships, slaughters and that stuff like that. As far as I can remember most of it was in a single room. Just so you know, I don't really remember 50% of this dream and it's all broken up in pieces so I'll have to make up a few parts. Let's start then!

It was midnight and I was starving. I didn't know in whose house I was but I really didn't care at that moment. It was an tiny apartment with no rooms, just a living room with a perpendicular form. I don't know the exact floor but it was around the fifth or sixth, all the available view was another tower in which just one apartment had the lights on, I couldn't see anyone in there though. The only furniture I'm completely sure was there is a comfortable couch, the other were just standard furniture that everyone has in their apartment.

I was most of the time hidden in a corner of the house, I don't know the reason. I was there just looking at the inside of the apartment without any particular purpose. But suddenly, I hear someone walking outside of the apartment. She was on the cellphone talking with someone, thanks to that I could recognize her voice and tell she was my Spanish teacher. She stopped in front of my metallic door and opened what seemed to be something like an eyes-size window in order to check the inside of the apartment. She spent some time checking that everything was like before and that nobody was inside. She left a few minutes later.

I couldn't control myself anymore and I started making a mess, I knew there would be future consequences but I needed to eat. After some time searching like crazy I saw a big red bag that had always been in front of the sofa. I opened it and saw that it was full of all kinds of papers, I destroyed all of them with wrath. But I soon realized my mistake and put all the torn papers inside of the bag again as if nothing had happened. When I stood I saw that there was someone in the other apartment, it was a half-naked woman lying on her couch. But when she noticed me and made an awful expression I realized she was actually and old woman, I turned and never looked to that direction again.

I was slowly dying. I had lost all hope in living, but it changed when I heard someone approaching to my metallic door again. I prepared myself. "Oh, I think there's something weird in here. I'll call you later." She said as she opened the door and I got ready for my meal, but I was suddenly texting a friend after a blink. I could see from my cellphone a video of that apartment where the guy who I previously was, was now an Indian man.

I then woke up in the middle of the night thinking, "What a good dream dude!" I wanted to text one of my friends about it but I was really tired so I decided that I would do it the next day. But now I can't remember it lol. That's all I can remember from my dream. I know there was more but I can't remind myself what it was. Thanks for reading, and thank y'all who take the time to correct! See ya tomorrow.