JJOA's Student Life?

JJOA's Student Life?



What a boring topic, right? School, classes, grades, friends, teachers, homework... why would I write about this? No idea. I just felt like it I guess, I was thinking about writing a post called "What A Cozy Room!" but then I thought that it would be a very personal and serious topic so I discarded it. I prefer enjoyable and interesting topics instead.

High school has been the most boring and worst stage of my student life so I'll avoid that topic as much as I can for now. Let's start with middle school then.

I don't know if you read the "JJOA's Sister's House Arc" post that I wrote some days ago, if you did you must remember I said that it was one of our usual activities on breaks, but I never said it was the only pass-time. Our auditorium was always closed because they were always making preparations for future performances or religious interventions, so entering there was a serious problem because of possible damages to the stage.

So we used to go in there.

We didn't have any bad intentions, literally the only thing we'd do inside was eating and playing videogames. It was the same "me and the boys" group plus one older guy who liked to join us for this stuff and sometimes and even older guy who appeared sometimes.

So you may be asking, "How did you get in there?" There were multiple ways (writing this brings me a good memory I'll tell later). First you need to understand the shape and form of this auditory. On the back of the auditory were two doors that people who were going to perform something used, on one of its sides was a big door (covered by a curtain) that united the auditorium with the school's library. There was another big door on the front but that doesn't really matter.

Because all direct doors to the auditorium were closed the only way we had of going in was the library. Which was closed during the second break and opened on the first one. So our usual way for getting all of us in was sending me into the auditorium (I'll explain how later) and unlocking the two doors on the back of the auditorium. Some days (like 1/10 times) we had luck and one of the doors was unlocked so getting in was no problem.

My way of getting into the auditorium depended on which break we were in. If it was during the first break I would casually go into the library with one of the boys, then he would talk with the librarian while I open the auditorium's door and I get in. If it was during the second break the boys would have to stay in front of the teacher's room making sure that no one is leaving (because the exit of the teacher's room was in front of the library) and I would get into the library through the window with the help of a friend.

Now let's see some of our failures...

We were chilling on the auditorium's bathroom, everything went well.. until we hear a group of people go in. We all instantly shut our mouths and kept like that for some minutes, but we got bored of staying in the bathroom so we glimpsed to see how many people had entered and what they were doing. They were 4 last year girls getting ready for a future performance. We started crawling our way out of the bathroom and then we just lied down behind the seats listening to the girls' performance. But I got curious and I started glimpsing again... "There's someone here" one of them said. We all froze and got up, while one of the girls was calling the librarian. When the librarian got in and started asking questions we all didn't say anything. But one of us broke the silence talking about practicing a performance, of course she didn't believe us. She warned us that if we did that again she would bring us to coordination.

Another one (my favorite) was in the second break, I had just entered the library through the window. The rare thing was that all my friends started running away as soon as I got in. I didn't pay attention to it at the moment, I went to the back of the auditorium and waited for them to tell me that it was safe to open the door. But nobody said anything. I said, "Can I open the door?" and they just answered knocking the door, I asked again and I got the same result. I decided to open the door, but as soon as I unlocked it the person behind the door opened it with a lot of force. It was a teacher. He grabbed me and led me into coordination, they recorded what I did on "el observador". It's a book used to know how many "bad" things a student has done in order to know the severity of the punishment.

I'll tell the others in a future post just like the dreams they'll be in the same post called "JJOA's Extras" or something like that. Thanks for your corrections as always and see ya tomorrow.