JJOA's Sister's House Arc.

JJOA's Sister's House Arc.



Today's post will be about a recolection of stories from my former school, specially about an activity that me and the boys had in some breaks.

My former school as I've said in a previous post is a school that used to be only for girls and is directed by nuns. These sisters had their house inside the school that barred the students from getting inside with a fence. But me and the boys (literally just 3 dudes including me) discovered a path that let you enter "The Sister's field", so to have some fun we used to enter in to spend the time doing stupid things.

First we would check that there aren't any teachers around, check that the outside of the house is clear and one of use would run in to check if the path was save. We would decide the sacrifice by the old reliable "Rock paper scissors". After checking the entrance the other two would enter running as well and hide in the back of the house. Tbh it was a really huge house, after all plenty of sisters lived there. Normally the challenge would be rounding the whole house and get out of there without being spot, but the process had 3 principals hurdles.

The first one was the house's exit to the lawn, because it would be a huge cristal door that was always open and showed the living room where the nuns would pray or eat. So we had to first check that nobody was there and pass it as quickly as possible before someone gets there.

The second one was just after that door, it was literally a half of the house path full of windows of each room of each sister. So one option was walking in a low position and the other one was a full house run before a nun recognizes your face. And the third problem was returning to the initial entrance because it was view opened to the sports field where some teacher could easily spot you.

We used to usually add something else to this like playing an out loud meme in the house and then do the full house run, and most of the times we didn't get caught. So I will tell three stories, one where I got caught with one of the boys, other where we almost got caught but I got an injury in the process of escaping and one where we got stuck inside the sister's house because the exit was being secured by two teachers.

First story:

This was when we used to take turns each for getting inside the house, so one of us entered, I followed him and the other started running the opposite way to the house. We were like "bro?" but we soon realized why he ran the opposite way, one worker was literally at the door of the house seeing us.

After seeing this my instant reaction was pointing my finger towards my friend, of course I stopped at the moment because that would be really dishonest. She grabbed us by the arms and started pulling inside the house, I tried halting but she said "I'm bringing you to one of the sisters." and started pulling even stronger. I was shit my pants when I heard that, but fortunately she brought us to the older (no offense) of the nuns, she was on her bed just chilling and she interpreted the word of the worker as a "They want a tour!" so she walked us inside the whole house. We arrived late to class that day lol.

Second story:

All went as usual, but at the moment of hiding at the back of the house we heard some strange noise coming besides us, the same worker of the other time! I started running as fast as I could, I didn't want to get caught by that woman again. But like 4 meters away from the exit I fell. I remember thinking, "What? I didn't even trip, why did I fall?", but I realized what had happened as soon as I tried to get up. My leg was hurting as hell. I didn't even get up at the moment, I literally crawled to the exit. I went to the nurse as soon as possible and as expected I had a "Muscle tear".

Third story:

All went great, but at the moment we wanted to leave we saw two teachers standing at the exit of "The Sister's field", we didn't know what to do so we stayed still for some time. Some more time passed, and some more time passed, until the break was over. We expected the teachers to leave as soon as the bell rang, but they didn't move a muscle. One of us had the idea of jumping a little river that separates the house from preschool but we discarded that idea immediately. At the end we arrived late to class but we didn't get caught.

Thanks y'all for reading and I really appreciate all the corrections on my writing!