Is my english good enough?

Is my english good enough?


language learning

I just wanted to write a few sentences on English, it was a long time since I did that. I started learning German two years ago, and I have a feeling that I am starting to lose my English. I noticed that I cannot remember some simple, frequent words, and that worries me. I definitely don't want that to happen, so I decided to practice a little bit. I never actually learned English- not in formal way at least. I was lucky to live in a country where cartoons were not dubbed ( audio was original, on English), and I started to learn English from an early age. I lived abroad, had a lot of literature on English during my studies, worked in tourism ( had to speak English with costumers) and read books on English. I would really love to speak it with someone from time to time- I really love English! Hope it is going to stay with me for a long time!