Now I know...

Now I know...


language learning
daily life

I can't learn two or three languages at the same time; expecially during summer.

On my fridge I have a plan about my languages study routine. A monthy plan for June. I did it to check my progress in studying French and German. It's about three skills I want to improve:

  1. listening
  2. grammar
  3. reading

Everyday I write on it what I did in each language but it's not working... I mean, not as I would.

I spend my morning at work and when I came back home I have to prepare something to eat for lunch and, often, the dinner too.

The school ended and summer has "finally" started and kids what to go to the beach everyday, so I can't do all I would like, about my study plan. Unfortunatly!

I can only read some pages of my book in French on my Kindle or do some German and French grammar exercises on Duolingo but that's it!

I can't take notes about new espressions I've learnt or repeat outloud vocabolaries or sentences... I simply can't do it under my beach umbrella... and I feel so frustrated about it because I feel as I'm wasting time...

So, at the end of the day, when I'm in my kitchen and I take a look at my plan on the fridge, I feel so sad... beacause I'd like to do more!

Have you ever felt like this about yours languages study journey?

If so; what did you do?

Please, let me know in the comments; I really appreciate it!