”Dollars” in DURARARA and modern "comunities"

”Dollars” in DURARARA and modern "comunities"



Have you ever heard of the anime or novel, DURARARA?

It has quite a few implications. Today, I'd like to introduce one of them.

In the story, there are group called color gangs getting into turf wars.

But the color gang, dollars, aren't into that. This is no wonder because it is transparent.

In other words, it is a color gang without any color. It has no rule and order for the member to follow but to call oneself a member of Dollars.

They have small groups in it, but no one knows all the members.

One day, some of the member attacked another color gang under the name, Dollars.

The attacked who believed that was ordered and done on the order of Dollars decided to avenge themselves to it.

Don't you think it's similar to the current situation of modern communities.

On another post, I talked about a survey to show that feminists are being infamous among younger generations in Japan(https://journaly.com/post/16188). One of the reason is that they see not a small number of feminists humiliating and discriminating people every single day on social media.

I myself saw too many feminists claim the very similar opinion to Taliban's or Nazi's.

Actually, they've already been insulting innocent people, stealing other's jobs, and even committing terrorism.

Although we can hate feminists, there's one thing to remember before that.

They are not a distinct community controlled by one religious faith. They have so many sects in it.

Some feminists say that certain generations of feminists went bananas, but not all feminists.

We need to criticize ideas, not people collectively. The idea of political correctness is wrong because there can be no perfectly right politics; if you think there is, it is nothing but a religious truth. But at least, we can discuss for better agreement we can compromise.

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See you soon!!!