A feminist posted weebs are mud-blood on Twitter on the other day.
I was like "Oh, come on! Not again."
It is not the first discrimination done by feminists.
We've seen too many discrimination done by feminists.
They couldn't even have proper conversations.
Because of them many think feminists are insane.
Actually, One statistics shows younger Japanese tend more not to like feminists.
They might have more opportunity to observe feminists' insanity.
Anti-feminists movement is starting below the surface.
(That doesn't mean younger Japanese are discriminatory, you know. Speaking for Japanese, there's also a statistics that shows more than 80 percent of Japanese believe both gender have the equal rights, that is as good as French or the US)
But...wait a minute.
Should we really attribute insanity to feminism?
*I don't think so even if the hate tweets got thousands of likes by other feminists, even if they cannot even answer a question and even if they hurt so many innocent people.
In my opinion, those are the results of popularity of feminism.
We have discriminatory people in every social category even if it's liberal.
Those thousands discriminatory feminists are not representative of feminists.
They are just thousands of millions.
Not being able to have conversations is not rare, too.
We know too many examples of non-feminists' foolishness.
Considering half of human beings have IQ lower than average, some of them would struggle for having proper academic conversations, or understanding the proper idea of feminism.
Same goes about feminists.
The more feminism gets popularity, the more irrational people support feminism.
It is not fair to use such people as epitome of feminists.
We should not look for the most irrational one in our opponents, but most the rational.
(If you are fighting for someone's rights go back to this mark (*). Put your opponents' category instead of feminists and read it again.)
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Interesting. You picked a loaded subject and then ended it with a twist. Nice.
Thank you!!! Your corrections are nice, too XD Those are really helpful!!!