World's breakfast diversity

World's breakfast diversity




There is a lot of diversity refering to traditional ways to start the day in the world. These are some examples of ways to start the day in different countries:

Switzerland: On weekdays, the Swiss like filling breakfasts that typically include bread, butter, milk, cereal, cheese, marmelade or honey. In most parts of the country, people may take breakfast between 6:30 hrs and 7:30 on school days. But on weekends they like to have brunch instead of breakfast.

Japan: The traditional way to start the day in Japan is consuming a small selection of plates in the morning, which are small representations of traditional Japanese dishes such as miso soup, rice and fish.

Mexico: Many of the traditional Mexican breakfast dishes are made with tortillas. For example "chilaquiles" (tortilla chips bathered in green or red sauce and topped with chiken, onion, cheese and sour cream) , quesadillas (folded tortillas filled with cheese and extras such as avocado) and "enchiladas" (basically, rolled tortillas filled with chicken or cheese and covered with sauce, sour cream and more cheese).

Argentina: Argentina is unique in terms of their breakfast culture. It normally includes pastry items. Two of the most common breakfast items in Argentina are "churros" (fried pieces of dough covered with sugar, normally dipped in "dulce de leche" and "bizchochos" (a kind of croissant with the ends baked together, normally filled with jam or "dulce de leche" ).

France: The traditional way to start the day in France is eating "brioche" (a buttered baguette) or slices of toasts covered with jam along with orange juice.

United States: People from the United States like the combination of sweet and savory. A typical US breakfast includes eggs, pancakes, muffins, donuts and bacon along with coffee or milk.

I found it very interesting the different ways in which people start their day, however I know that people have their own preferences in terms of food and it can vary.

What do you normally eat for breakfast?
