language learning
language exchanges
Hello there! My name is Miquéias, and I really would appreciate your help!
Well, first let me explain my plan: I must have a specific set of skills before the end of the year:
- I must be a Professional Programmer
- I must be fluent in the English language
- I must be a master of my dreams
- And a few more.
But what I'm really struggling with is the English fluency goal. More specifically, the speaking part.
Speaking is the only part of the English language I'm still a beginner in. So please, if you know how to learn the speaking part of learning a language, TELL ME! I would love to hear your opinion and tips.
My speaking skills are extremely low and the year is almost over, so please, give me a light!
Thank you very much! I love you.
Hi! You can try Power English: https://effortlessenglishclub.com/
Hi Miquéias, I'm afraid the only way to learn to speak is... To speak. You could try conversationexchange or italki for speaking partners. If you can already write well, the spoken fluency should come quickly if you practise.
I can also recommend the app Tandem where you can find people to speak with :)
Hello José !
I think that you don't have to worry that much with all the things that you have to learn. Just enjoy them, are you preparing yourself to develop those skills right ? At the end you chose that and that's what matters, why are you doing things, do you feel dinamite inside of you?, don't you feel love and encouragement for all the things you are preparing for ?
If you are not passioned about, well you don't have to worry, just take it easy too. Everything in this life takes time, effort and energy, you will master every single thing you propose to yourself, but don't you forget about keeping enjoying your life...
At least for me, I don't think is healthy to be thinking and solving problems that have never happened, focus on what you have, those skills that you need to learn aren't everything in your life, don't forget that all areas of your life and personality need to develop as well as the professional skills, and it's funny, because all the work environments want perfect profiles, and people seek that to achieve success. But I think, I don't care about that, I want to feel the success with every step I take, those steps that I do when I follow my dreams, every time I sit in my house to improve my language learning, every time I pick my instrument and start playing, or all the time I should invest at first just to play a little bit of a new instrument. Everything in this world takes time, and always look for a balance in your mind. That will help you to develop well in all areas of your live, your family, a partner, friends I don't know. Don't you forget that this life is a gift and it doesn't matter how hard it gets, you should try to enjoy it anyway, it's all you have, and without it, you couldn´t even solve your problems, you counldn´t even prepare for all of those skills that you want to develop.
Just take it easy, enjoy it and keep dreaming, never stop dreaming !
I think you will do it great, if you want it, just give your best for it. I recommend to you, it would be better for you to search study techniques, that can help you introduce information in a better way to your mind, not everything is memorization, it is useful because gives us a big support of information, but most of the times, memorization is useless because we can't understand the principle, the main idea that build that "knowledge" that we are seeking for.
You can look for "Pomodoro´s technique" where you can get better sessions of study, you develop a productive use fo your time and a productive constant solving of your tasks.
Write, draw, tell, share what you love with an opened heart, creating and experimenting are the best fucking teachers ever.
Never stop believing bro.
"Nothing is settled until it is settled right"
Reading is one of the greatest way you can develop any skill. Look for : "Extensive Reading" to improve a language, and of course to improve your own mothertonge, which one is beautiful by the way.
I always say: Just read, it doen´t matter that you couldn´t understand a word. Imagine that a language is a little piece of ocean, and with this I mean HUGE, so you have to swim with the language, in this imaginary see you can die drownd hahaha xD The worst thing that could happen is that you don't understand enough xD Just know the language.
A better way to improve English is to learn with phrases, always keeping in mind a context and wait for the results.
If you like to sing, sing and write down the lyrics and you can learn when you enjoy a moment of joy just for yourself, isn't that amazing? I will be singing some Portuguese song to practice, sorry but this, but you already inspired me bro, and of course I love this Journaly thing, it is like one of the best tools to learn a language, keep working here, you are on the right path.
Just remember, put your heart on it, trust in yourself. And go for it lml
Mano, unica maneira de aprender a falar é falar, como? se você puder usar o Cambly é uma otima opção, falar sozinho pode dar uma ajudinha também, ou então usar um servidor no Discord, onde tem pessoas que falam ingles e também aprendendo, e assim você pode praticar!
I found this site last night after watching a video of Robin on the Easy German YouTube channel in which he said he taught himself German mostly by talking to himself. His formal education was only about 2 months about 5 years before he made the video interview and he was extremely fluent. So, check out that video and try talking to yourself. I'm going to do it. Hey, I already sing in the car so why not talk German to myself instead?
@Zobayda seems good, but I want to learn English for free you know? I'm broken.
@BvHvSu26 thank you very much! You're right. I'm gonna have talk with people. The thing is: I have no money, so I need to find a free way to speak with native speakers.
@LindasLinguas Is that free?
@Valente Wow, thanks man! I'm loving this game for sure! In the last night of the year, I'll look to all the things I accomplished. And then, my friend, when the count goes 5 - 4- 3- 2- 1 - 0, at that moment, I'll look to the moon and I'll be feeling good, really good.
You seems to be a really cool person! Hope some day we meet in this reality ✌
@Kaio Pô, valeu aí cara! Essa ideia do Discord pode me salvar! Tmj
@J-Skibby Yeah, so far talking to myself is what is helping the most.
@J-Miqueias: Yes, there is a free version where you can use all the basic functions. The pro version gives you some features such as finding people in your surrounding or unlimited translation in the app. But to be honest, I don't consider that stuff as necessary and that's why I'm using the free version myself.
@LindasLinguas Oh my god! Thank you very much! I'll check it out right now!