




If spoilers are even relevant for a book published in 1960s :D

I wanted to get ready for when "Dune" hits the cinemas and so I've read the first book. There are some things I find quite unusual about it.

First, its structure. You know from the beginning that the Atreides are going right into a trap (and they know it as well). You even know the name of the traitor. The only mystery is how and when this is going to happen. So it's rather dark from the beginning. You literally know there's no hope for Duke Leto. Abandon hope all ye who open this book :D

Second, the rise and fall of Dune's hero. I am the first person to love all-powerful superheroes and happy ever afters. So imagine my disappointment when I found out that Paul was not going to bring peace and happiness to his Empire. And that he actually was bound for a very sad end. Anyway, I think that it's a powerful plot twist. And I believe it's an interesting idea that Frank Herbert tries to convey: we shouldn't blindly follow charismatic leaders. And in general, we should always think for ourselves and question everything without falling for easy solutions.

Have you read the Dune? How do you like it?