I'm gonna get a dog

I'm gonna get a dog



A month ago, if someone had told me that I was about to get a dog, I would have said, "No way!"

And it's not that I don't like dogs. I adore them. But it just seems to be too much of a responsibility:

  • toilet training,
  • going outside in any weather, and
  • the need to find a dog sitter or to take the dog with you when going on a trip or simply spending the night at your friend's.

Actually it was my husband's idea, so he said, "You didn't mention anything about responsibility when we decided to have a child. But a dog freaks you out. How so?" And what can I say? I'm getting old and rational :D

So we talked it all through. His main point, and I think a good one, was that we should not overthink such decisions like having a baby or getting a pet. Of course, one should not be reckless in those things. At the same time, if we start weighing all the pros and cons, we might end up doing nothing, because it's the safest bet. Life with a child or a dog may be harder, but it doesn't mean it won't be better.