Multilingual Book Club 2 – The Choice

Multilingual Book Club 2 – The Choice


multilingual book club 02

Multilingual Book Club 2 – The Choice

When I read about the second book club and about having to choose a book myself this time, two thoughts popped up at the same time.

One was a “yes”. Yes, that might be a good idea, so that everyone can choose what they like, at a level that is appropriate for them.

The second thought was a “no”. I mean, what exactly can people share if they're reading completly different books? In my mind, people in a book club read the same book because they want to talk about the book, the content, the author and so on.

But I admit that a book club composed of people learning foreing languages might be different from a book club with people who all speak the same language. Maybe there is still a benefit in sharing the process itself, I don't know.

So stuck between a “yes”and a “no,” I opted for a “maybe” or a “just-try-it-out”.

I looked through my Kindle and found some books that I already have, but never got around to reading.

In English, the choice is between:

  • 600 Hours of Edward by Craig Lancaster
  • Dove Season by Johnny Shar
  • Dreams From Father by Barack Obama
  • On writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Steven King
  • The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris
  • Rising out of Hatred by Eli Saslow
  • A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle
  • A Beautiful Poison by Lydia Kang
  • A Picture of Murder by T.E. Kinsey

For some of the books, I remember why I wanted to read them. For others, I'm not sure how they got on my Kindle.

At least now, in the first step, I've narrowed it down to nine choices.

Actually, it's only nine, because I'm only talking about the English books at the moment and I haven't checked my real bookshelf yet. I'm rather sure there are some other unread books hiding there, so I'd better not look there because then the choice will take forever.

And what are you going to do now? Will you buy a new book or do you also have tons of unread books at home?