
Yoël's avatar'

speaks: English, Dutch

learns: Spanish, Swedish

likes: art, board games

Yoël's avatar'

Hii, I'm Yoël, I'm a teen from the Netherlands. I am learning Spanish on my own with the aspiration to move to Spain to study in a few years, because I am obsessed with Spain. I also am learning Swedish (although just with Duolingo...) because I love the language and I just simply like learning it. Also, I'd love to help some people with their Dutch and English :D

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Música y el efecto que da

Hola todos, música tiene un efecto masivo en mi vivo. Siempre ha. Pero, mi música favorita es muy differente al año pasado. Quiero escribir un poco de música, mi música favorita y como la cambia. Un
Feb 20 - 1 min. read

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Feeling like I don't make any progress

Hi everyone. Today I am writing a post in English, and I really hope I don't make any grammar/spelling mistakes, since I claim to be advanced... The reason for writing this, is that I am feeling
Jan 21 - 1 min. read

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Mi conecctión con libros

Buenos días, tardes o noches. Due to the holidays I couldn't write every day, so I stopped with the challenge, but I want to keep writing. I decided to write once a week (or more).Today I have something to say about book
Jan 2 - 1 min. read

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Día dos: por que me gusta el baloncesto

¡Hola todos! This is day two of my 7-day writing challenge. Today I wrote a piece about why I like basketball. I really hope it is written correctly....Please correct things that are just wrong, or can be written in a mo
Dec 22 - 1 min. read

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Day 1 of my Spanish Writing Challenge: mi fin de semana.

¡Hola todos! Today I decided to start with a seven day writing challenge to improve my Spanish. I am just a beginner, maybe an upper-beginner. But still, I wanted to try it. The topic of day 1 is Mi fin de semana. It is
Dec 21 - 1 min. read

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Deutsche Bücher?

Hallo, ich lerne Deutsch in meine Schule und ich müss ein Büche lesen. Ich habe kein Idee welche Büchern gut sein. Und nicht zu schwer für mich.Mein Lesestufe ist nicht so gut, aber ich verstehe die meisten Dinge.Weißt d
Nov 2 - 1 min. read

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Mi historia de español.

Hola, soy Yoël. Soy the Holandés, que es un país muy pequeño de Europa. Me gustaría aprender idiomas. Especialmente español. Yo también aprendo francés y alemán en mi escuela, pero ellos no tienen classes de español.¡Yo
Nov 2 - 1 min. read

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