
speaks: French

learns: English, German

likes: cooking, creativity, animals

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Donnerstag, den 8. Februar

Heute, habe ich auf der Arbeit gewonnen. Ich arbeite in einen Bio-Laden. Gestern war ich zu Hause und ich war sehr produktiv. Der Tag ist schnelle vergangen weil, ich viele Aufgaben hatte.
Feb 8 - 1 min. read

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a new page

Since September 4th I am living in my own appartment. And it was new for me. indeed, for 18 years I was at my parents house. I was also in the same school for 7 years. At first it was hard to live
Dec 6 - 1 min. read

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final exam

Good morning, today it's my second day of final exam. Actually, we're in March and it's just an exam for my two principal school subjects. Yesterday I worked on the economy and today I write an essay
Mar 21 - 1 min. read

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I am making bread

Hello ! I have just finish my reading, it was the book " une saison à la petite boulangerie" of Jenny Colgan. This book was following the other book " la petite boulangerie du bout du monde". This
Dec 7 - 1 min. read

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Hello, I have an exam tomorrow and I want to write a little article to train brain to think in English. Indeed, we will write an essay with 3 documents. I'm scared by this exam because my teacher is
Nov 30 - 1 min. read

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Space conquest 1

Since 1957, the launch of the first satellite, the space conquest is part of our lives. Indeed, following this, in 1961 the first man, Yuri Gargarin was orbiting the Earth. Then in 1969 There was
Nov 1 - 1 min. read

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My holidays

Hello, I am making this post because I want to improve my english skills. Today's topic is my holidays in Spain. It was during allsaints holidays, me and my family spend a week in the north of this
Oct 30 - 1 min. read

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Meine Heimat

Zuerst, meine Heimat ist mein Vaterland und meinen Herkunft weil, ich alle meinen Errinerungen hier haben. Dann ich fühle mich sehr wohl und zugehörig, nämlich bin ich in Frankreich geboren. Ich mag
Dec 12 - 1 min. read

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