Space conquest 1

Space conquest 1



Since 1957, the launch of the first satellite, the space conquest is part of our lives. Indeed, following this, in 1961 the first man, Yuri Gargarin was orbiting the Earth. Then in 1969 There was the first moon landing by appollo 11. The space conquest was and is still a major issue for exemple the soviets and the USA made a space race during the cold war. Today this conquest consist in making researches in order to find an another planet and to understand space, it consist also in trying to make space tourism. But public opinion is diverse about this topic, indeed, some people think that we should use all of this money to depollute the earth,other people think that’s a great thing to discover space and it’s a necessity.

The space conquest is reflecting man’s pride because we went beyond the earth, we went out of our comfort zone, and in hostile environnements thanks all of our researches. We are proud of these researches but it’s very important in fact the first mission impact the whole generation especially the younger, ideed they were inspire by astronauts. Space exploration fuels our children's curiosity and imagination. Role models like astronauts inspire students to dream. Many astronauts, engineers, scientists and innovators remember watching the Moon landing as kids and being motivated to work towards their dreams. Moreover this conquest inspire a lot of hope because we can make new mission thanks to successful missions , we can also make discoveries and it can be exciting.