Miss Breadcrumbs

Miss Breadcrumbs


daily life

Miss Breadcrumbs

Miss Breadcrumbs is a young woman, but she is dried like some trees in the winter.

She is stuck in the past, even though her mind is in the future thinking when, how and where she will meet the happiness. Unfortunately, she always forgets the present.

Miss Breadcrumbs thinks that she is an empathetic person, however she’s just selfish. She thinks only about her: her own pain, her own mistakes, her own problems, her own life, just her.

Miss Breadcrumbs does nothing, but of course, the happiness, success and a lot of other things that she wants will come into her life like magic. Maybe Miss Breadcrumbs believes in magic or miracles.

Miss Breadcrumbs knows a young girl called Miss Duck. Miss Duck is always asking for crumbs of attention, maybe love and affection, but Miss Breadcrumbs can’t give to this young girl bread crumbs, because Breadcrumbs is just her name and doesn't her power.

Thank you for reading.
