Human Culture

Human Culture


Hi everyone, today I am going to share my knowledge about the cultures and its aspects.

As a student of Anthropology I have read some books on cultural history of human, how it evolved and how modern civilization took place with different believes, food habits and of course different languages. We consider great apes as our common ancestor and our journey as modern humans went through a long transition period. Before the modern humans came into scene lots of species were there like homo erectus and many hominids. With the change of time they extinct eventually. Archaeologist consider them those species who did not survive like a modern human. Some species like Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons haven't have clear evidences of disappearance. Homo erectus were the only one who migrated all over the world and survived that long. It recognised as the closest ancestor of modern humans. It really took a long time to live life in a society.

Archeologist says when we were an absolute new to the world we lived our life as a hunter gatherer. We invested our whole time in search of food and shelter. That time the need of a human was food and protection against wild animals. At the end of the day the body got in rest for next day activity. We did not have time to do more. When some discoveries took place in the field of tools, plebiscites and domestication of fire then we were able to save our time for further works. Professor white says this was the exact time when we were indulged in other activities like we made rules for societies or groups. We have had our own belives depend on the places we lived. Later the next generation continued these practices and spreaded those cultures to their next generation. Now after millions of years we have so many different cultures all over the world.

In the conclusion part I would say we should respect each other no matter what region or race we belong to. At some extent we are doing phenomenal work like through NGOs, volunteering and as an indivisual.

Thanks, I am looking forward to see my grammatical mistakes and your views on cultures.