So, which language should I focus on?

So, which language should I focus on?


language learning

There’s a bunch I want to learn and made a bunch of attempts over the years but never really stuck to any of them.

I did take a Spanish class and got top marks but that was a long time ago. I’ve always had a soft spot for Brazil so I gave Portuguese a go. In kindergarten we had a Japanese chef, she was amazing and of course it made me like Japan so I’ve given Japanese a few tries as well.

Latin and Old Norse would be pretty cool too, oh and Gaelic! So many interesting languages…

Sometimes I think I should focus on Spanish one week, Portuguese the next and then Japanese, not sure if that’s the best way to go about.

The idea of trying to write in a language I’m terrible at is pretty scary, not being able to express myself is very frustrating.

Regardless of which language I pick I should probably pick a topic for this journal, plants, movies, or books?

Decisions decisions… time for another cup of tea.