There’s a bunch I want to learn and made a bunch of attempts over the years but never really stuck to any of them.
I did take a Spanish class and got top marks but that was a long time ago. I’ve always had a soft spot for Brazil so I gave Portuguese a go. In kindergarten we had a Japanese chef, she was amazing and of course it made me like Japan so I’ve given Japanese a few tries as well.
Latin and Old Norse would be pretty cool too, oh and Gaelic! So many interesting languages…
Sometimes I think I should focus on Spanish one week, Portuguese the next and then Japanese, not sure if that’s the best way to go about.
The idea of trying to write in a language I’m terrible at is pretty scary, not being able to express myself is very frustrating.
Regardless of which language I pick I should probably pick a topic for this journal, plants, movies, or books?
Decisions decisions… time for another cup of tea.
I don't know what exactly to say for you, but in my opinion and what I'm currently doing is focus in language that you most want to learn, for example, I'm from Brazil and current I'm learning English and after when i be fluent I want to learn Spanish and after want to maybe learn Italian and stop there 😂
and also start to writing what you like to do, or things that you know about it, for example: i write about movies, sports and curiosities that i have
sorry if i made a mistake :)
@Kaio My movie thoughts in Portuguese would be very short, bom, não bom :D That could be my thing, "To watch or not to watch" and then just go with a sim or não. Obrigada!
@CocoPop You are too kind, I hate the fact that I've made several repetitions. After midnight ramblings are never good are they. I know you capitalize letters in titles to movies like that but in an journal intro? Nope, not for me, looks wrong. All caps or the first letter for me. When headlines in the news start doing it I might rethink it but until then :P Thank you!