Just found out about this website

Just found out about this website


language learning

First of all, just like someone's post I read from here, lots of thanks to the developers for actually building this amazing site! I'm quite amazed at it's couple functionalities this early. Really hope that this platform would be super helpful for people like me.

I was just scrolling through my Youtube page and saw a video of Robin's title describing how this site can change the language learning game for some people. Since, I prefer writing as a way to express my feelings rather than speaking at first, I thought of giving this a try right away.

I'm currently learning Japanese, still stumbling hard to memorize the alphabets. Wish to finally write a decent post in Japanese here! Also want to learn Spanish, Italian, Arabic and Korean... Well, at least those are in my wishlist for now. I guess I have to include a dedicated time and space for learning languages now.

Thanks for reading through this mess. Wrote this on a whim. I'm honestly quietly excited to know how this will turn out.

P.S: My English is not good. Sorry!