My second-worst AirBnb experience

My second-worst AirBnb experience



This is an actually review I'll be leaving in the following days, any comments are more than welcomed.


I would say it was the most beautiful suite I ever stayed in. Everything was in pristine conditions and the decor was stunning. What didn’t quite worked out was everything else. Mostly the sounds and the relationship with the host. Before I even booked, I had explained to them that I would have to work with my laptop from there and have daily video calls so they were already aware of my situation.

It started with noises from the suite next to me. The walls were so thin that I could hear my neighbours talk (not just noises but at times actually understand what they were saying), cough, use the microwave, blow their nose, move chairs around.

In between guests, I understand that the suite needs to be thoroughly cleaned because of Airbnb’s policy but it was so much noise all day that I couldn’t go through my job meetings or was struggling to understand my colleagues. Whilst I was trying to listen to them, I could hear either the vacuum cleaner or even bangs on the wall next to me every once in a while and was startled every time.

I booked this room to have a nice quiet getaway from the city and I couldn't cope with those disturbances when I had to work during the week. When I was coming back to the apartment after a day out, my heart was tightening, headaches were coming and I was unable to do anything productive. After five days, I was feeling so awful and anxious, I just wanted to get away from this AirBnb suite as soon as possible without talking to anyone but after taking advices from my family, I decided to contact the hosts.

Angela was very understanding at first when she answered. After talking about a few options, she told me that I had to cancel the booking on my side and then she would be able to refund the remaining days. After I proceeded with cancelling, her attitude towards me was like night and day. She suddenly stopped being courteous with me. I had notified her that I would be leaving on the following day after lunch and she replied "Sure." The following day, around 1pm, when I had all my bags ready to go next to the door, she asked me "How long will you be?", "I saw you cancelled but are still in the suite." I had never felt so much pressure to leave a property. She also wrote “We went into the room after you checked out and didn’t notice any unreasonable noise.” I never said that the noise was constant, all day long, at all times. Belittling your guests' experience is not giving them the best experience. I suggest they either test with one person in one suite and one in the other, or they mention in the description that noise transfer can occur so guests will know what to expect.

When she told me she would reimburse the 15 remaining days out of 30, I think anyone would have expected to receive roughly half the amount originally paid. In the end, I received 3 nights worth as a refund, because the monthly discount couldn’t be applied anymore. I’ve been naive and should have agreed to a certain amount with the hosts before cancelling but I think a lot of people in my shoes would have done and expected the same.

I believe all human beings should be treated with respect, stars evaluations or not. I feel like I've been fooled and in the end, I only got refunded a fraction of what I expected. I don't think it's the worst part. I think it's was the unnecessary treatment I got that was the most hurtful.

If you barely need a place to sleep, this will be fine and you’ll be able to enjoy the incredibly comfortable bed. However, if you need to settle down and stay concentrated like I did, you'll be unhappy.