Aiming for more?

Aiming for more?


language learning

Sometimes I wonder if I should strive for more and expand my English. While I do know there are quite a few areas I can improve in, I reached a point with English where I feel comfortable and stopped getting better.

Back in school, I had the feeling I would never be able to speak English, but fast-forward 15 years later and I'm using English in academics and daily life. I wrote my thesis in English and had no issues communicating with others while living abroad. But from one point on, English was no longer a language I was learning, but just a language I was using daily without any effort. And with this change, I stopped trying to improve.

On one hand, I'm comfortable with my level and don't see a need to get any better. On the other hand, I know there are areas like punctuation that I could improve on. I guess I'm lazy after all and just resting on my laurels. As long as I get my message across, I'm satisfied.