Enriching my Vocabulary using the Anki System

Enriching my Vocabulary using the Anki System


language learning

Do you know anything about the Anki system? What it is, how it works, and how it can help you to enrich your vocabulary?

I found this useful system about a month ago and I gave it a try. Let me explain how it works.

The basic concept is that you repeatedly read the same words, phrases, idioms, or whatever you want to learn, within five time periods: An hour, a day, a week, and a year. The way you do that is quite simple; you take five boxes and write the above words on them. On the first one, you write "one hour", on the second one "one day" etc.

Next, you create some flashcards; small white cards where you write the word you want to learn on one side and the definition or translation on the other. You take the cards from the first box labeled "one hour" and one by one you read the definition first and then try to recall the word. if you're correct you place the card in the next box. If you're not, you put it back in the same box and you have to try again later within the time period indicated on the box. The same applies to the other boxes, too. Simple, right?

And the best part is that there are plenty of Anki apps in playstore which you can download on your smartphone. You can practice anywhere; In line at the supermarket, on your lunch break at work, before you go to bed at night, or on your ride to work.

Personally, I've tried a lot of these apps, but the Quizlet app is a perfect fit for me. It's simple, the simplest out of all the others and you can create your own flashcards, but yοu can also use flashcards created by other users. If you decide to give it a try, you can use the

"English-Greek" flashcards I created as "dimjim34". But there's a large variety of apps to choose from so, try a lot of them before you go with just one.

Have you ever tried the Anki system? Did you find it helpful?

I'm really interested to read your comments!

Thanks for reading! :)

*Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash