What would have been diferent if?

What would have been diferent if?


language exchanges
daily life

I had to make a huge decision when I was only 17. I know what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, so I applied to the University, then I was accepted into the forestry program to become a forest enginner. It was an important decision because I had to move city and left my kindly family.

I was 6 years away from home and I got away from my friends as well, at first, this was the hardest one but after all, I made great friendships that became like my family, and today we are still friends.

After I finished my degree I found an excellent job where I learned a lot.

Finally, I returned home and got a job in an international environmental education organization. If I had not chosen to study for an environmental degree, I think I would not get an environmental advisor.