Impress Yourself

Impress Yourself


daily life

Sometimes, without even noticing, we try to be who we aren't, a lot of times this happens unconsciously, how many times in life have you realized you were feeling something you haven't realized all the time? it may be jealous, angry, happy, and so on.

That is what was happening to me at my job, do you know when you master and area of your life but not another? and you're like: "Ok, why do I have confidence to do that and not this little thing? why am I so expressive about somethings and not others?" I've worked hard in my confidence for more than one year when it comes to English, especially speaking it, but why was I lacking confidence at my job? even though I was doing really well, why does no matter how confident I would get I always got afraid when I had to take action at my job? I was looking at it from the wrong perspective all this time...

After some time looking through the possible reasons why this could be happening to me, I've realized one thing, whenever my supervisor went out of the room I felt more light and confident to take action, all the times I got to work by myself, on Saturdays, I got way more confident and happier while I was working. Then I thought, well, I think I'm afraid of the supervisor, Am I not? Wrong again, sometimes, it's tough to know exactly what is going on inside of you, but with patience and trust, you figure it out...

Then, today I listened to an episode from one of my favorite podcasts, and it was about not wanting to impress other people, doing what makes you happy, acting in a way you feel happy with whoever is around you, but I was like "Well, I study English, I've received comments it wasn't possible even from my father, and here I am, then clearly I do what I love" but I looked deeper into it and realized one thing, the same "problem" can happen in many different ways, I found out that deep inside of me, without me even realizing it I wanted to meet my supervisor's expectations, I wasn't afraid of him, I was afraid of not impressing him. So, I've made the decision to cut this behavior by its root, and I realized, I do not want to meet my supervisor's expectations anymore, I want to meet mine, I couldn't care less about how he was perceiving the way I spoke anymore, his job is to supervise, he's doing his part, and mine, it's to be the best at talking to the clients, to connect with them, so, I stopped wanting to impress him, to talk like him, I stopped feeding this kind of thought that he's listening to me all the time and so on, I truly want to meet my expectations now. What happened? well, I did way better at my job today, I was confident, I was more than just a "robot" and I didn't even notice he was there sometimes. now, I can be more of myself there as well, not just with my English.

Well, where did I want to get with this? Don't do things to impress the people around you, to meet their standards, because this is not possible, do this for you, to meet your expectations, and I promise you, you will feel you're being more yourself and less them.